Monday, November 17, 2008

The age of Digital/Paperless ticketing

Tickets .....aren't we always worried of they getting misplaced... Don't we all face such a situation : Every single time we fly, we find ourselves checking the location where we put our tickets once every 3-4 minutes. Are they still there? Did we remember to zip up after we last checked? When we pulled our hand out of the ticket pouch, did the ticket sneak out? We may have never lost a ticket, yet we consistently fear that we will.

American Airlines recently launched digital boarding pases with 2d barcodes.Fortunately, the times are changing. As handset displays grow to higher and higher resolutions, functionality generally limited to ink and paper becomes possible. Scannable barcodes can easily be printed onto just about any device made within the last few years, opening the door to ticketless boarding via your cell phone’s display.

Thinking on the same lines we at Partech invested in the leader of primary ticket sales in France called Digitick

Digitick is able to provide you with tickets on your cellphones in the form of a barcode(with in-house technology developed to successfully read these barcodes irespective of mobile screen) or a print@home option. The company also allows for event organizers to monitor in real time the ticket sales as well as help in targeting customers by their buying behavior(type of concerts they attend to..rock, pop etc.) leading to better sales leading to win-win situation for both the concert organizer as he gets an excellent turnout as well as customers as they dont have to wait in lines to buy tickets and rather buy them in the comfort of their home. Moreover, customers are alerted when concerts of their tastes are coming up soon so they dont miss the next Madonna or Amy Winehouse concert when they come to their city next....

Clearly,digital ticketing is the next revolution which would allow better organization of ticket sales, correct client targeting as well eco-friendly as we dont print on paper anymore....!

When buying tickets in France next time do try